Wednesday, April 27, 2011


So, I have been seeing this around on
some of the different blogs I read
and I wanted to give it a try.

25 facts/goals/interests/worries/whatever

1. If I could be a professional student, I would be. I love learning and going to school.
Something about it drives me.
2. I love cinnamon. Cinnamon anything. Hence, why I spilled cinnamon sugar on our leftover wedding cake. Just kidding that was an accident. Serious though...cinnamon speeds up your metabolism.
3. I have become a huge tv/movie watcher. Thank goodness for netflix.
Benji and I are currently into Prison Break.
4. This song has been on repeat for the last week.
5. I am planner. If I could plan the next 50 years I could. Too bad I can't. I get very frustrated/stressed if there is no plan.
6. I have become a clean FREAK, ever since we got married. It is starting to drive Benji nuts.
7. I wish I was crafty. I am envious of crafty people, like my sister.
8. I am cooking more. Like actual meals. I am pretty proud of myself.
9. I don't like surprises. Goes back to having a plan. I am getting better though. Benji loves to surprise me, so its a work in progress.
10. Most good things happen when you don't go looking for them.
11. I love getting things in the mail.
12. I want new hobbies.
13. I love the Wall Street Journal. Nerdy, I know.
14. I hate getting lost. Whenever I go somewhere and I think I am the slightest going wrong I have to call someone. Mostly, its my Dad, but for here in Idaho Falls its Benji.
15. I love peanut butter and Oreos together.
16. I don't do well with change.
17. I am trying to be more outgoing.
18. I am most definitely a morning person.
19. Unless I have a firm opinion or really want something, I normally don't care about stuff.
20. I love frozen yogurt. Whenever I go to Rexburg now, I go to Twizlberry. Its the best.
21. I am not an animal person at all.
22. I always tell Benji we are going to take pictures whenever we do something, but very rarely do any pictures get taken. Like Easter dinner, none got taken.
23. It takes a lot for me to try new things.
24. Sometimes I have a hard time letting things go....I am trying to be better at this.
25. Benji makes me laugh everyday on a continual basis.

A lot harder to come up with 25 random things than I thought.

Benji and I are slowly ordering wedding pictures to have throughout our house.
I came across this one the other day.

It shows our relationship pretty well. I think. I talk his ear off day and night and he listens.


Heather at Kitchen Concoctions said...

Love this!! So sad though that a lot of this I didn't know and you are my sis!

I love PB and Oreos too! In fact for Easter I made a PB pie with homemade Oreo cookie crust (I'll share the recipe soon).

Oh and the whole crafty thing... well I just pretend! : )

AND I think Benji talks just as much as you.

AND (again) I love the new header of your blog... you should design mine!

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