Sunday, December 26, 2010

Things I never appreciated until I met you. Love, Future Wife

  • Personal Style. Skinny ties. Slim suits. Skinny jeans.
  • Truly not caring what other people think about you.
  • Going into everything with complete utter confidence. In yourself. How things will work out.
  • The Office. And tying everything back to it.
  • Tranquility.
  • Impacts of Music.
  • Chivalrous Behavior.
  • Ability and willingness talk to anybody and everybody.
  • Phase 10.
  • An intense conversation about nothing.
  • A game of marbles.
  • Movies in the movie theater.
  • Legit popcorn.
  • An incredible foot massage.
  • Being yourself completely all of the time.
  • Connecting immediately with someone.
  • Never wanting to leave someone's side.
  • True love.
PS. Tell me you can't love this face.
Isn't he absolutely adorable?

Its no wonder he has the whole family wrapped around his finger.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Now working.

I am now a working woman.
I have now taken jobs at


I could not be anymore excited!
I have always wanted
to work retail but I never have
and I am finally excited I am
having that opportunity.

Monday, December 13, 2010

I want it all.

I have spent the past two days staring at
nothing and it gradually getting flatter.
My Dad and I drove my car down
from Salt Lake to Texas.

It all went by pretty fast, surprisingly.
I enjoyed being able to talk with my Dad
and get his wisdom and thoughts on things.

Friday before we left I had to go to Park City
and on my way I there it hit me
how much I have missed my car and Utah.
It made me secretly want to move back.

At dinner that night Matthew started talking about
an inverted pentagraph.
What the heck?
That is the reason he is going to be in school for the rest of his life.
Getting a million degrees and not me.

Ok ok....I have had loads of fun planning mine and Benji's wedding,
but seriously can it be here already?
I feel like time is going by so slowly then fast
but right now soo slow.

I.Pod Jam on repeat right now: Prove You Wrong by He is We.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Saturday I went to a bridal shower
for a friend and there were several
of us there who are engaged.
I love hearing how people got proposed to.

Not to brag or anything but how Benji
proposed is by far the best
I've heard.

You can watch the video here.
Or the story of the whole day went like this.
Its kinda long. It was a very weird and unusual day.

It was Friday, July 2nd. Benji’s brother and brother’s girlfriend, Andy and Tara, had come to town to spend the long weekend with us. During the day, while I was at work and in classes, Benji, Andy and Tara just hung out around town and ran some errands.

Then as soon as I was off work the four of us were going to go to swimming and then later that night go to a concert. In the meantime, while I was at school and work, Andy and Tara got into a disagreement and Andy decided he was going to go on a walk to cool off.

When I finally got off work, Andy was still gone on his walk, so the three of us decided we were still going to go swimming. After getting ready and driving for 15 minutes where we wanted to swim, Tara and Benji jumped in the water then decided after 5 minutes they were not in the mood.

As we were driving back, Benji still frustrated of what happened with Andy, Benji and I had a misunderstanding. When we finally got back to my apartment, Benji helped Tara and I get our stuff out of his car then drove off, which is very not like him. As he quickly drove off I was very confused of what was going on, and I tried to immediately call him and figure it out, but he did not answer his phone.

A few minutes later, Benji calls me to ask what is wrong and why I am upset with him. As I explain to him I am not upset and I just thought he was upset about what happened to Andy and Tara, I convince him to drive back to my apartment to see me and I will meet him outside in the parking lot.

As we are talking, Benji explains he does not want to go to the concert anymore, but I tell him we are still going to go because we have been looking forward to this concert ever since we found out about it and we are not going to let anything ruin it, even if it is just the two of us who go.

After a few minutes of convincing, Benji finally agrees to still go to the concert. He leaves to go back to his apartment to get ready. As Tara and I are getting ready at my apartment, Tara keeps trying to convince me to dress really cute and I don’t understand why. I keep thinking it is just a concert; nothing exciting is going to happen.

A little bit later, Benji and Andy come back over to pick Tara and I up. Then the four of us go to get something to eat for dinner. All during dinner, Benji keeps texting someone. When I ask who it is he says one of his cousins. When we are about to go the concert, Benji finds out from “his roommate” that the location of the concert got moved. So, when we finally get to the new location of the concert, we find out it is going to be starting late.

While we are waiting for the concert to start, Benji keeps going up to the lead singer of the band to talk. After he does this about 4 or 5 times, I begin to get a little frustrated, because I don’t understand why he keeps leaving me to talk with her sticking me to be with Andy and Tara when they are still in their disagreement.

Finally, after waiting in the super hot attic of where the concert is supposed to be for two hours, the band we wanted to see finally starts playing. After playing about four songs, they begin to play mine and Benji’s song, which is called “I Wouldn’t Mind,” which talks about not minding spending forever by someone side, and first being afraid then deciding to want to wake up to their smile for forever.

As Benji and I stand in the very back behind everyone else we have our own special moment together and our super excited they are playing our song.

In the middle of the song, the lead singer stops singing and invites Benji and I up to the stage. As we are walking up there she explains to the crowd that she has never seen a love like ours before and she asks Benji to explain how you do it.

After Benji says some things, he turns and looks at me and says, “I really wouldn’t mind spending forever by your side, Rebecca.”, and everyone goes crazy, cheering and screaming.

Then he gets on one knee, or tries to, but before he gets all the way down I grab his neck and don’t let go and as he picks me up he whispers in my ear, “Will you marry me?” After a few kisses, he puts me down and puts the ring on my finger in front of everyone, and then the band continues to finish playing the song as we continue to stay on stage and give each other a few more kisses and talk between ourselves and hold each other close.

After the song is over, Benji and I walk to the very back behind everyone else and he begins to tell me about the experience he had asking my parents for permission, my ring and what he had to do to keep it a secret from me for a whole month.

After the concert is over, I come to learn Andy and Tara came to visit just to be there when Benji proposed. Benji had been in contact with the band ever since the beginning of June and he was texting one of the band members all during dinner and they were the one to let him know the location of the concert had changed.

Saturday night over dinner

I was telling my Mom that my proposal

is the best, by far.

She just kept laughing at me

and telling me I needed to work

on my humility.

One of the other girls at the shower

has done a long distance engagement, as well

and we were comparing feelings about it.

It felt good to know I am not the only one

with the separation anxiety feelings.

I helped my Mom refinish our front door.

Ok ok, I watched her refinish.

But, now I know how.

I found a new favorite blog.

Check it out here.

I went on double date with her husband

my first semester of school.

Small world, eh?

I got another nativity set.

Now, I have three, and

I accidentally found out we are going to

get another as a wedding present.

I still haven't figured out where I am going to

setup four nativity sets in our apartment.

But, I have a whole year to figure out,

because they will all be going up.

Yesterday, Benji told me he has always

wanted a rotary cheese grater.

A rotary cheese grater?


Sunday, December 5, 2010


Recently my new favorite store
has become
Hobby Lobby.

I get so excited whenever anyone
says anything
about needing to go.

If I had my car I would probably
go everyday.
No joke.

Every time I go I always come up with
more decor ideas
for the apartment
after we get married.
I knew I should have majored in
interior design in school.

Benji already has
a lengthy honey to-do list.
I just know he is super excited to
get it all started.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My BYU-Idaho Days.

The other day as I going through my computer
looking for something I came across
some notes from one of my finance classes,
about becoming the best person you can be.

As I began reading them and remember
distinctly the discussion and the Spirit
in the room,
I became very grateful for my education,
BYU-Idaho, the faculty, and
even though much of the time I was there
I dreaded being there.

Grateful for the faculty.
For the ability to respect them not only
for what they had accomplished
professionally, but spiritually as well.
For their willingness to help,
and truly get to know you.
For the ability to have a spiritual discussion and
moving personal spiritual experience
in any class.
Truly, any class.

Grateful for BYU-Idaho.
For the office I worked at
and how the people there truly treated us, students,
like family.
For devotionals.
And many times what was said in devotional
was exactly what I needed to hear that week.
And how more than once during devotional time
my prayers were answered.
And how in the beginning of my Rexburg days
I could count on Tuesday from 2:00 - 3:00 pm
to be the motivation to keep going.

Grateful for Rexburg.
For how different it is from Houston
and what I grew up with.
For teaching me to embrace the
small town community.
And how I could never live in a small community
for the rest of my life, but I can appreciate it.