I know I am a little behind on this, but I wanted to get this posted so we had it for us to remember.
1. Favorite Color: Pink
2. Favorite Shape: Octagon
3. Favorite Thing To Do: Battling (Playing a game on the ipad)
4. Favorite Toy: Baby Animals
5. Favorite Animal: Puppy
6. Favorite Food: Pasta and Cheese
7. Favorite Book: Mickey Mouse Look & Find
8. Favorite TV Show: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Two Year Wellness Stats:
weight: 26.81 lbs
height: 35 in
head: 19 in
Two Year Wellness Stats:
weight: 26.81 lbs
height: 35 in
head: 19 in
I love this recap of what he is interested in. But I thought his favorite color was yellow!
How sweet he looks! My son also turned 4 in the last month. I didn’t host any grand party but hosted a small one and invited only her preschool friends. I booked one of her favorite kid’s parties Chicago venues for her birthday bash. Truly, the kiddos had wonderful time over there.
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