Friday, October 1, 2010

It just dawned on me...

Yesterday it just dawned on me this weekend is
General Conference!

I was so excited to come to Rexburg to see my honey.
It totally slipped my mind.

I am so excited to hear all the talks that are going to be given.

"Go to our Heavenly Father in prayer; communicate with Him daily. Draw close to Him, and He will draw close to you. Ask about your studies of the scriptures, about your feelings and your questions, and He will answer. He is waiting, He is real, and He is there. Use the gift of the Holy Ghost. Believe in the power of prayer. It takes effort and time. Be patient; it is worth it. You can do it. You are not alone in this; others went through this before. Remember, it is easy to doubt, but it is a sure sign of maturity and responsibility to question and then search prayerfully for answers."

-Dieter (Love his name) F. Uchtdorf


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