Wednesday, October 27, 2010


These past few days the Salt Lake area
has gotten quite a bit of snow.

As I am getting more and more experience
driving in the snow,
but at the same time I am getting
excited for Christmas!

It will be here sooner than we know it!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


One of the many perks of doing my internship
with my Uncle
is every once in awhile
I get treated to lunch.

On friday we went to lunch at this
hole in the wall in

They had several peacocks around the outside of the restaurant.
It made me even more excited for February to come.

3 months, 3 weeks, 5 days.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


When I read this quote the other day
I read it a little differently than
I have read it before.

It was a good reminder for me to have
right now.

"When one door closes another door opens;
but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door,
that we do not see the ones which open for us"
-Alexander Graham Bell

Monday, October 18, 2010

One day.

This weekend Benji and I started looking at furniture
for our house. Once we get it.

We both absolutely fell in love with this chair.

I love that he gets just as excited as I do about how we decorate. It makes me laugh.

I also decided someday I am going to have this chandlier.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Utah. Streets.

Utah does there streets on a block system and with directions.
As having just moved to Utah
this really confused me.

Many people have tried to explain to me how it worked
but I never understood it.

Until last night.
I was headed to the store one I had not been to before
and at first I got a little lost
but the direction thing finally clicked
so I was able to get there without having to call my Dad.

I was pretty proud of myself.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Recently I have been having random food cravings.
Like Taco Bell nachos.

Today, was the BBQ chicken pizza
Benji and I made last time I was in Rexburg.

Luckily, I have been strong and not giving in.
Not knowing where a taco bell is or having all the ingredients to make the stuff
kinda helps...
but still.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Don't Laugh.

In preparation for upcoming events in these next few months
I have decided I want to make a
recipe book.

A recipe book consisting of our favorite, but ultra simple, recipes.

Surprisingly, I am having a lot of fun looking for recipes.

If you have any recipes you are willing to share,
I would love to add them to my collection.

I can't wait to see how it turns out.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Count.

32 days.
41 days.
4 months. 1 week. 2 days.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Continue. In. Patience.

I am working on this. Patience.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I love...

I love...

that I got to spend the weekend with Benji!
Oh how grateful I am for all the things he does for me.

I love...

I only have 4 weeks left of my internship!
Then I will be home in TEXAS
for almost the whole month of November.

I love...

my family!
I am so grateful for all their help with planning the wedding!
How even more stressful it would be without their help!

I love...

how quite often I manage to come home with some of Benji's clothes.
Mostly his shirts.
Smelling like him the whole car ride home
somehow makes leaving him easier.

I love...

how quite regularly people ask what I am going to do until I get married.
My answer?
I don't know.
I have decided to take things one month at time.
I have tried to plan 50 years at time.
But every time I do the Lord nicely reminds me it is on his time.
So one month at a time. For now.

I got this idea from a friend and thought it was fun.

Grinning moment.
Last night when I was talking to Benji,
he referred to something as ours that I had never thought of as ours yet.
We refer to things as ours quite regularly
but this time it just hit me differently.
It made me smile.

Friday, October 1, 2010

It just dawned on me...

Yesterday it just dawned on me this weekend is
General Conference!

I was so excited to come to Rexburg to see my honey.
It totally slipped my mind.

I am so excited to hear all the talks that are going to be given.

"Go to our Heavenly Father in prayer; communicate with Him daily. Draw close to Him, and He will draw close to you. Ask about your studies of the scriptures, about your feelings and your questions, and He will answer. He is waiting, He is real, and He is there. Use the gift of the Holy Ghost. Believe in the power of prayer. It takes effort and time. Be patient; it is worth it. You can do it. You are not alone in this; others went through this before. Remember, it is easy to doubt, but it is a sure sign of maturity and responsibility to question and then search prayerfully for answers."

-Dieter (Love his name) F. Uchtdorf