Friday, February 11, 2011

The Week Is Almost Finally Here!!


7 days until the 19th!
3 days until the 14th
when I pickup Benji!

I am super excited!
These past 2 weeks I have been running around
like a crazy person trying to get everything done
so we aren't swamped the week
Benji is here.
I am sure as you all know, Monday is Valentine's Day.
I used to think it was the silliest holiday ever,
but then I started dating Benji.

Last Valentine's Day, we went on a carriage ride
through downtown Denver.

Benji spoils me every day, but especially on
Valentine's Day.

I am super excited for Monday,
because not only
I get to pick him up from the airport
but it is also Valentine's Day.
We haven't decided what we are going to do exactly,
but I am just excited to be with him.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Today is February 1st.
Which means its February.

Which means
two weeks until I see Benji again.
LESS than three weeks until we get married!

I don't think I have ever been this excited before
for a new month!